Section: Software and Platforms


Participant : Yves Bertot [correspondant] .

This is a library for the Coq system, where the description of a toy programming language is presented. The value of this library is that it can be re-used in classrooms to teach programming language semantics or the Coq system. The topics covered include introductory notions to domain theory, pre and post-conditions, abstract interpretation, and the proofs of consistency between all these point of views on the same programming language. Standalone tools for the object programming language can be derived from this development.

See also the web page http://coq.inria.fr/pylons/pylons/contribs/view/Semantics/v8.4 .

  • ACM: F3.2 F4.1

  • AMS: 68N30

  • Programming language: Coq